Sunday, January 23, 2011

Good Intentions, a Slap on the Face of Millions and Snow.

While I have been taking time to reflect and time to care for personal and non personal tasks, I have not kept myself devoid of the goings-on within our political and social circles.

It wasn't too long ago, December 28, 2010, that Ruben Berrios, President of the Puerto Rico Indepence Party (Partido Independentista Puertorriqueño (PIP), met with the Governor of Puerto Rico, Luis Fortuño. They discussed and agreed to the appointment of representatives of the differing parties who would meet to seek solutions to the problem of the island's political status. The proposal first requires the need to identify whether Puerto Ricans on the island want a non-colonial or non-territorial status. The second part of the proposal calls for a separate vote on whether the procedural mechanism should be handled by referendum or constitutional assembly. The third proposal calls for the fulfillment of prior consultations to be mandated by referendum or constitutional assembly.

The idea is to unite as a country and give the U.S. Congress a clear and concise message that people want change. This change can only come when the U.S. realizes its obligation to the citizens of Puerto Rico.

Unfortunately, all this comes just as a decision by House Republicans to take away the Territorial's rights to vote on the House floor was made, a right that was given to them by Democrats four years ago. This not only includes Puerto Rico but the territory of Guam, the Virgin Islands, Northern Mariana Islands and American Samoa. Now, I'm not one to question or really care who the Governor of Puerto Rico is sleeping with but I guess he likes it with a slap in the face. But, why do the millions of people under U.S. banner in Puerto Rico and other territories have to take a slap in the face as well?

I'll close by reminding a certain snowman to take a little cultural excursion. That snowman is actually Missouri Republican Senator Brain Nieves. Seems Brain has a problem with spanish and would like to see it removed entirely from all Missouri state proceedings. He recently caught a tantrum when he found out that Missouri Attorney General, Chris Koster,  had a website built, in spanish, two years ago. Turns out that the site was built before the state's language requirement was made. The best part, Nieves said it was an inappropriate use of state money and vowed, on his Puerto Rican family's soul, to make sure the Spanish site was taken down.  On his Puerto Rican family's soul? Now, did he say this in spanish or english? Some of those souls may only speak and understand in spanish. Someone, pleeease give this guy a tissue!

Rapper/actor Ice Cube said it quite well in one of his songs, "You better check yo self before you wreck yo self".

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Conservatives and liberals in PDP set to tackle status - Puerto Rico Daily Sun

Conservatives and liberals in PDP set to tackle status

The status fight is set to explode once again inside the Popular Democratic Party when a left-leaning draft status opens old wounds.

.....arguing for more sovereign powers for the commonwealth.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Puerto Rico unheard - El Diario La Prensa NY

Puerto Rico unheard - El Diario La Prensa NY

"For all the snuggling between Republican leaders and Puerto Rico’s Republican Governor Luis Fortuño, this latest slap shows that when it comes down to it and despite the sacrifice, even a symbolic vote for an island of Latino citizens is too much for the GOP."

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Eugenio María de Hostos

  Eugenio María de Hostos was born in Mayagüez, Puerto Rico on January 11, 1839. He was an educator, philosopher, novelist and patriot. Known as "El Ciudadano de América" (Citizen of America ) for dedicating his life to the struggle from emancipation of Puerto Rico and unity of the West Indies.

His works span various subjects from politics, education, sociology, law, criticism, biography and literature occupying some twenty volumes.

In 1879  he established residence in Santo Domingo, where in 1880 he founded the first teachers school. Hostos returned to Puerto Rico after the U.S. invasion in 1898. Once on the island he devoted all his energies to unifying his compatriots in their struggles against U.S. imperialism. His efforts would eventually fail but his works, his life, his humanitarianism and patriotism would make him an immortal.

Eugenio María de Hostos died on August 11, 1903 in the Dominican Republic.

"I wish that they will say: In that island (Puerto Rico) a man was born who loved truth, desired justice, and worked for the good of men." -Eugenio María de Hostos


Sunday, January 9, 2011

Rubén Berríos Martínez (PIP) on Oscar Lopez Rivera's Parole Hearing


Declaración del Presidente del Partido Independentista Puertorriqueño, Rubén Berríos Martínez, ante la recomendación del Oficial examinador para que se deniegue la liberación de Oscar López

San Juan, Puerto Rico. 7 de enero de 2011.- “Si la Junta Federal de Libertad bajo Palabra acoge la recomendación del Oficial examinador para que se deniegue la liberación del prisionero político puertorriqueño, Oscar López Rivera, tal decisión sería una despótica, infame y cruel cuyo único propósito es amedrentar a los luchadores por la independencia de Puerto Rico.

El espíritu patriótico y el temple de Oscar, de lo cual puedo dar testimonio personal ya que tuve el privilegio de reunirme con él hace unos años, es inquebrantable. El mejor homenaje que podemos rendirle es continuar cada día con más ahínco la lucha por su liberación.

Cada día que Oscar permanece en cárcel es un recordatorio adicional de la hipocresía del gobierno de los Estados Unidos cuando habla de derechos humanos, de lo insostenible del régimen colonial y de la necesidad imperiosa de la independencia de Puerto Rico.

Oscar está libre y presente en el corazón de todos los que se sienten orgullosos de ser hijos de esta Patria, fuente de inspiración para todos.”

Rough translation:

Declaration of the Puerto Rican Independence Party President Ruben Berrios Martinez, on the official examiner's recommendation for refusing the release of Oscar Lopez

"If the Federal Board of Parole accepts the recommendation of the official examiner to refuse the release of Puerto Rican political prisoner Oscar López Rivera, the decision would be despotic, cruel and unfavorable A decision whose sole purpose is to intimidate all independence fighters of Puerto Rico.

The patriotic spirit and character of Oscar, which I can give personal testimony to, as I had the privilege of meeting him a few years ago, is unwavering. The best tribute we can pay him is to continue, every day, to fight harder for his release.

Every day that Oscar remains in jail is an additional reminder of the hypocrisy of the United States government when it speaks of human rights, the unsustainability of the colonial regime and the urgent need for the independence of Puerto Rico.

Oscar is free and present in the hearts of all who are proud to be the children of this country and a source of inspiration for all. "

Saturday, January 8, 2011

A New Poem by Alberto O. Cappas

This comes via Puerto Rico and the American Dream...

A new poem to address the ignorance of our inner city youth in 2011!
Please publish and share with your contacts
Let us start this year by addressing the word and the pants of our youth:

Please don’t confuse me with a nigger!

Please don’t confuse me with a nigger!

I’m a Black Man; I’m a proud African American;

I’m a Latino; I’m a proud Puerto Rican!

I plan to pursue an appropriate education based on my goals;

As I read years ago, Education is the passport to the future, for

Tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.

Please don’t confuse me with a nigger!

Beware of negative images and values,

For what so ever you sow, so shall you reap!

As I learned years ago from a man who reached the mountain top,

I know that today we are not judged by the color of the skin,

But by the content of the character that one displays.

I wear my clothes appropriately, especially my pants,

Let us not be compared!

Please don’t confuse me with a nigger!

Black Men love their women with their heart;

Niggers love women for their bodies;

Black Men use money as an instrument to advance the race;

Niggers use money as a weapon to destroy the youth of the race.

Please don’t confuse me with a nigger!

A nigger comes in all colors;

Take the time and discover the word in the books of history,

And not on the streets of ignorance!

Please, please!

My love ones are my friends, my brothers and my sisters;

They are not my niggers!

Alberto O. Cappas related links:
The Educational Pledge
Poems by Alberto O. Cappas via Virtual Boricua